After last year's rehersal I drew the coveted Spring Bear tag for the Snake River Unit. Last years exploration of the "Big Canyon Country" showed we were in the right place for bears, as the elk calves were dropping and the bears were on the prowl.
We're headed to the White River Wildlife Management Area, near Tygh Valley, Oregon, Memorial Day Weekend, for the annual Western Traditional Archers Rendevous. We're proud to help support and grow the sport of Traditional archery. We also speak on behalf of public lands and support the voice for the Public land hunter and angler, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers.
Oregon Pack Works
19855 4th St. Ste. 103B
Bend, OR 97703
Through many of your email requests we've added our fifth ProHunter model to our product line. The Large Tall--fitting the Sheep Hunters' binocular--the Swarovski 15 x 56, or Minox or Vortex Kaibab.
The 2015 spring bear and turkey seasons are behind us now, and the theme of this year’s hunts was another very early spring, and the number of folks in the bear and turkey woods. For the first time in 16 years I failed to harvest a spring bear, nor was I able to pick up a left-over spring bear tag, as none were available---another first.
A. Chest
B. Sleeve
C. Waist
D. Inseam